Several people have asked us for a wrap up post so thought we would put one more on here. After surviving the world's longest continuous, nonstop flight (fact from our flight attendants) from Jo'burg, South Africa to Atlanta, Ga. we are back in the good old USA! Again, some of us were able to sleep more than others on the return but we are all thankful for a safe and uneventful flight home.
Our words simply cannot express how grateful our hearts are for all the many ways your prayers lifted us up and sustained us while we were there. We are all so blessed to have gone and witnessed such a God-ordained time of experiencing where God is at work in the world in such a vibrant manner. We hope that we can convey our passion and excitement to our church body so that you will, as always, know that you are a vital member of our traveling team. Thank you for loving us and committing your time to this great calling of sharing the most wonderful news in the world-the Good News of Christ!
Please keep praying for:
- Our Southern Baptists missionaries Cliff and Bev Vick as they are in Arizona for a few weeks attending his mom's funeral and having family time.
- Julius and Cintia Mbu as they continue praying for God's will to be revealed in their lives regarding their ministry.
- Our church body to receive with enthusiastic, tender hearts all the team has to share from their experiences in South Africa.
- The team to be able to share clearly what they sensed God showing them every step of the way of this trip.
- Rest and recovery for the team, the churches they ministered with, the Vicks and Mbus.
- The people of Pretoria to remain open to hearing the Truth.

Beverly and Cliff Vick IMB Missionaries in South Africa.
Cintia and Julius Mbu.
The team's last breakfast before leaving Pretoria.