After a few years of interruption due to COVID-19, we are sending our NINTH team to South Africa to support our partner church HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH in Pretoria, South Africa. We are excited to bring an update on all of the work that has continued in these past years. team: Keith & Kathy Matney, Linda Briseno, John Herr, Steve & Joy Waller & Hannah
Sunday, March 30, 2014
2014 Team - Video Wrapup
Since we've returned to the USA just under 4 weeks ago, 5 of the team members have given a short presentation to the FSBCS congregation over four Sunday mornings. Today was the final presentation, and the following video was presented as a wrap-up to the trip:
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Day 11 - Back in the USA!
Our day 11 on this incredible journey is our final day and
will really be two days as we fly back home and gain back many hours and go
back through the time zones to the US.
We are all so looking forward to seeing our families and loved ones that
we miss so much and we are ready for this adventure to come to a close.
We woke on Tuesday to continued rain in Pretoria. Since Sunday, it’s been raining off and on –
mostly on – for 3 days straight and we are told this is very rare for the area
as this is not a rainy season. The
benefit for us has been that even though this has been a “summer” trip into the
southern hemisphere, we really have been quite comfortable and many times cool,
so we are thankful for that.
As you can imagine, the day was spent packing and loading and
transporting from Pretoria to Johannesburg and saying our final goodbyes to
many new friends and brothers and sisters in Christ that we have met (or for
some, renewed friendships). In addition
to those at Hope Baptist, this includes our very gracious hosts, Peter, Sunette
and Levson, at the bed and breakfast inn where we stayed throughout our visit. We also said goodbye to Katie’s friend Busi,
who boarded a bus in Pretoria to begin her night-long journey back to
Zimbabwe. It was such a joy to have Busi
and her sweet spirit join us these many days – she was such a blessing to us
We boarded the plane in Johannesburg on Tuesday evening
around 8pm and strapped in for the longest ride of all – almost 17 hours from
South Africa to Atlanta. We have survived
that and arrived in Atlanta and went through customs on Wednesday morning
before 7AM. We are writing this final
post while en route (another 4 hours in the air) from Atlanta to wonderful Phoenix
and will arrive just after 10:00AM Arizona time.
As we reflect on this trip, we are blessed by so many things and could write endless paragraphs about how God arranged things the way He wanted, or as we have said many times, given us Divine Appointments. We are overwhelmed by the experience with the African people and our privilege to talk and pray with so many of them face to face. We are delighted by the many decisions for Christ that were made this week and humbled by the protection he granted our team even in the midst of a scary situation while literally stuck in the middle of a wild game reserve – none of us saw that coming, but our Lord did and showed us His love yet again.
The rain kept coming - showers of blessings in Pretoria |
Antoine & Mel with our host, Peter |
As we reflect on this trip, we are blessed by so many things and could write endless paragraphs about how God arranged things the way He wanted, or as we have said many times, given us Divine Appointments. We are overwhelmed by the experience with the African people and our privilege to talk and pray with so many of them face to face. We are delighted by the many decisions for Christ that were made this week and humbled by the protection he granted our team even in the midst of a scary situation while literally stuck in the middle of a wild game reserve – none of us saw that coming, but our Lord did and showed us His love yet again.
Keith in the Johannesburg airport saying goodbye to Julius, Cintia, Emmanuel and Daniel |
While this journey has come to a close, we hope that you do
not stop praying as the journey of Hope Baptist Church in Pretoria is a work of
God in progress. Pray for Julius and
Cintia and the leaders of HBC as they must now take on the monumental task of
the followup of many hundreds of new connections that were made with the
residents of Sunnyside this week. Pray
that they not lose heart and give them the strength they need to nurture and
harvest those seeds that were planted.
Pray for the people of Sunnyside that were introduced to the ministry of
Hope Baptist, and for those that were introduced to Jesus – pray that God is
continually revealed to them and that lives are truly changed. Pray for this team at First Southern as we
return home and that we are forever changed by this experience – that we are
reminded daily and apply the things we’ve been taught on this trip. And finally, pray for future ministry teams
that may make a similar journey in the future.
It is apparent that this is a long-standing and fruitful relationship
with our “sister church” in Pretoria, South Africa!
Thanks so much for following along on this blog and we hope
you have enjoyed “experiencing” this incredible journey along with us. We mostly thank you for your prayer support,
which was felt daily. God Bless.
Here's the in-flight display at about 12 hours into the flight -- still 5 hours to go! |
Mona, Katie & Mel riding the inter-terminal train in Atlanta while we connect from the South Africa flight to our last leg -- home to Phoenix! |
Monday, March 3, 2014
Day 10 - All Creatures Of Our God And King
What do 2 posts, 8 hippos & 1 winch have in common?....
Keep reading and you will find out!
Here's where it got interesting...
Towards the end of our tour we were driving over a small dam which created a small lake or watering hole on one side, when the front tire of our van slid to the side of the road and got stuck on a small log post sticking out of the ground. There were a number of posts in a row for the purpose of helping vehicles not fall off the side of the small embankment. Well, we tested them and they did their job in keeping us safe. But, we were stuck. So, we all unloaded and the 4 women watched (and videotaped) the 6 men as they all had different ideas as to what needed to be done. We were close to having the van free though it was still slippery close to the edge and the front left tire was precariously off the side of the road. After about 10 minutes of struggling with the van the women realized the watering hole was home to a "crush" of hippos. A smaller hippo became
interested and swam our way
which then brought the other 7 with him. At this point we knew we were not safe
out of the van and all climbed back into the van. This is when we realized we
had another situation. No one had cell phone service. For a few minutes we watched as
the hippos gave us a show. They snorted and "barked" and blew water
and showed off their enormous mouths! Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in
Africa -- not because they hunt people but because the bulls are so aggressive.
At any time during our "imprisonment" in the van we could hear short or long prayers being lifted up. God in his mercy not only kept the hippos in the water but allowed Pastor Julius to realize he had cell service for a brief time and he placed a call to the game park who then sent out "3 blokes" to help us out. 2 were professional hunters who came toting their rifles and one had a winch on his jeep which pulled us out with a bit of grunting and groaning.
Today was our last full day in South Africa. Tomorrow will be packing up and beginning our long journey home. We are ready!
Here are a few more pictures from today (click once on each to enlarge):
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Clockwise from top left: Zebra, Impala, Giraffe & Wildebeest |
With our week of ministry with Hope Baptist coming to a close on Sunday, we spent Monday at the Pilanesberg National Park & Game Reserve, in the
rain for the most part making the roads a bit slippery. It is a huge game park (over 220 sq miles in area)
where people either hire a driving tour or do a driving tour themselves. We
chose to take our van into the park, with our faithful Emmanuel driving yet again, and had a lovely time...for the most part.
We identified 10 different birds and 10 different larger animals including
giraffe, kudu, rhino, zebra, wildebeest, warthog, vervet monkey and our
favorite visitor of the day, hippo. Though we did not find elephant or lion as
we drove, we were in awe of God's beautiful creation! The signs around the park make it clear that you should remain in your vehicle at all times, except in special safe areas that are usually encircled with electric fencing to keep the animals at bay.
We are reminded that this "park" can be a dangerous place and the animals should be respected |
Towards the end of our tour we were driving over a small dam which created a small lake or watering hole on one side, when the front tire of our van slid to the side of the road and got stuck on a small log post sticking out of the ground. There were a number of posts in a row for the purpose of helping vehicles not fall off the side of the small embankment. Well, we tested them and they did their job in keeping us safe. But, we were stuck. So, we all unloaded and the 4 women watched (and videotaped) the 6 men as they all had different ideas as to what needed to be done. We were close to having the van free though it was still slippery close to the edge and the front left tire was precariously off the side of the road. After about 10 minutes of struggling with the van the women realized the watering hole was home to a "crush" of hippos. A smaller hippo became
Our "friends" in the water gather and keep an eye on the humans... |
At any time during our "imprisonment" in the van we could hear short or long prayers being lifted up. God in his mercy not only kept the hippos in the water but allowed Pastor Julius to realize he had cell service for a brief time and he placed a call to the game park who then sent out "3 blokes" to help us out. 2 were professional hunters who came toting their rifles and one had a winch on his jeep which pulled us out with a bit of grunting and groaning.
A Jeep, a winch and men with rifles...all helped us out of a very sticky situation |
So, what do these 3 things have in common? As we reflected
back on the hour and a half long ordeal we think that at one point or another they
all kept us safe. The posts kept the van safe from sliding off the embankment,
the hippos got us back in the vehicle so we would be forced to wait for the
ranger keeping the van safe (as well as from sliding further off) and the winch
finally set us free from our predicament.
This is an example of your prayers' effectiveness. Even before, during
and after you were praying for us, God knew what we would need, and that it would
include 2 posts, 8 hippos and 1 winch!
Today was our last full day in South Africa. Tomorrow will be packing up and beginning our long journey home. We are ready!
Here are a few more pictures from today (click once on each to enlarge):
Katie, Antoine, Emmanuel, Julius and Kevin stop and stretch their legs in the "safe" area |
This is a Southern Red Bishop - a bird unique to Africa |
Keith has a discussion (after we were back to safety) with the game park staff that responded to our need for help |
Like these baby warthogs, we will be exiting -- leaving South Africa for home sweet home on Wednesday evening |
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day 9 - Sunday of Hope
The Hope Baptist praise team rehearses before the beginning of the Sunday service |
Rain greeted us this morning in Pretoria and it was very heavy at times – the streets of Sunnyside were quieter than we have seen all week. We don't know why God chose to bring the rain on a day when we were expecting many new faces but, we know God is in control and the rain was in His plan. Morning worship will be a lasting memory as we sang and prayed with our Hope family. Mitch McDonald brought the message
The rain fell in Pretoria and the faithful came to church anyway |
We said many goodbyes today as we will not see many of the
church members again during our time here. Katie's friend Busi says "Even
though parting is painful we part so we can meet. If we don't meet again here
we will meet in glory."
Katie poses with some of the smiling members of Hope Baptist, including her long-time friend Busi who joined us from Zimbabwe |
This afternoon has given us a much needed rest. After our Skype session with the congregation all 8 of us, Busi included, sat around a table and each shared a song that reflected our personal times here, along with a way God spoke to each of us during the past 9 days. None of us would have guessed the way God would have shown up in each of our lives. While we came to see how we might be a light to the African people, we were doubly blessed and know that the Lord allowed us to experience this trip for our own edification as well. God is a personal God to all of us, smiling down -- we are the ones He desperately loves.
Tomorrow we will get up very early for a drive to a wild game preserve where we will see more of God’s creation and His creatures for our last full day here in South Africa.
Here are more pictures from today (click once on each to enlarge):
Pastor Mitch gives a short sermon on being light in a dark world |
Pastor Julius and sister Keni Matthews present special Bibles to Pretoria police officers in recognition of their service. |
Pastor Julius recognizes Pastor Francois Smit (right) for his significant support of Hope Baptist Church and Keith prepares to present a Bible to Francois. |
The visiting Arizona team is recognized during the service. The men are given wooden Africa carvings and the women were lovingly draped with South African flags. |
The team gathers on Sunday evening in South Africa -- but Sunday morning in Scottsdale -- for a Skype session with the Scottsdale congregation. |
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Day 8 - Saturday Training, Shopping & Sights
The ladies of HBC and other churches join with Mona, Katie, Mel & Busi to learn of effective Children's Ministry techniques |
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During a walking tour of Pretoria, Keith buys an ear of corn from a street vendor and Antoine tries on a new hat |
Not everyone had an “assignment” this morning, so some of
the team got to hit the streets of Pretoria to experience a little more “up
close and personal” view of the city.
Kevin, Antoine & Keith (along with Emmanuel who you’ll read about
next) put in about a 4 mile round trip on foot from the campus of Hope Baptist
to Church Square (a famous center of Pretoria) and back. They experienced a lot of new sights, sounds
and smells and gained a new appreciation for Pretoria and its people. Later in the afternoon, the entire team got
the chance to go to an open-air market to do a little shopping, since we have
had entirely full days prior to today and have not had such an opportunity.
Antoine with our faithful driver, Emmanuel, who has become a good friend during this week |
We need to mention someone who has been incredibly helpful
to us and has made our trip much more than it could have been. Emmanuel has
been our personal chauffeur all week, driving our rented van from where we’re
staying to the church and back and all over Pretoria to find food or show us a
new sight or wherever the team needed to go. He has taken off working as a
driver of his "truck for hire" service in order to transport us. What an
example of true servant-leadership. He is also the Evangelism Director with
Hope Baptist Church. He was with the team of volunteers all week sharing openly
the love of God! He has laughed with us on too many occasions and patiently
answered questions as we seek to understand cultural differences. He is the
brother we never knew we had, but now are so glad God introduced us to him!
Thank you Emmanuel for loving us (and keeping us safe through the sometimes crazy streets of Pretoria)!
We head to bed tonight in anticipation of a great day
tomorrow at Hope Baptist Church as we get to experience our second Sunday
worship service of this trip. We do not
know what God has in store, but with the incredible week of sharing with
hundreds upon hundreds of people that didn’t previously know about Hope Baptist
Church, we can only imagine!
David and Jean-Claude do a little music practice in preparation for tomorrow's big service |
Here's a common mode of transportation for little ones on mama's back in Pretoria |
Here's a woman working on some bead creations while we were out at the market doing some shopping |
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